The Phantom in the Opera: Haunting Literature
Vol. 12, n. 1 (2008)
Editors: Simonetta de Filippis and Bianca Del Villano
A double blind peer-reviewed journal, published twice a year by Università degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”'
Maurizio Calbi
Ghosts, Burgers and Drive-Throughs: Billy Morrissette’s Scotland, PA Adapts Macbeth
Stefano Manferlotti
Japanese Ghosts: Lafcadio Hearn’s Kwaidan. Stories and Studies of Strange Things
Koray Melikog ̃lu
“The Phantom of the Opus”: The Implied Author in Kazuo Ishiguro’s A Pale View of Hills
Izabel F. O. Brandão
Decolonizing Ghosts: Gender, the Body and Violence in Whole of a Morning Sky by Grace Nichols
Daniela Guardamagna
Matt Haig, The Dead Fathers Club (London: Jonathan Cape, 2006; London: Vintage, 2007)
Lucia Nigri
Katharine Hodgkin, Michelle O’Callaghan, and S. J. Wiseman, eds., Reading the Early Modern Dream. The Terrors of the Night (New York and London: Routledge, 2008)
Books Received
Ephraim Nissan
Jennifer Westwood and Jacqueline Simpson, The Penguin Book of Ghosts: The spectres, apparitions and phantoms that haunt ‘The Lore of the Land’, ed. by Sophia Kingshill (London: Allen Lane, an imprint of Penguin Books, Hardbound, 2008)