This issue of Anglistica AION explores what environmental questions look like when they enter the legal sphere. The focus is not strictly legal, but rather centred on the processes of the environment getting into the legal sphere via conflicts over environmental questions in an epoch of public awareness and engagement. In its broadest meaning, conflict refers to situations where two or more parties seek to undermine each other because they have incompatible views, competing interests, or fundamentally different values.
The issue consists of eleven articles which interrogate a number of poignant contemporary issues related to environmental legal disputes around the world and their representation in old and new media. Law is the communicative and discoursal venue more than the topic of the works collected here. Instead, conflict and its representation in media discourse are central concepts. The articles offer stimulating interdisciplinary discursive perspectives on specific case studies related to the dissemination and popularization in different countries of media responses to the disputes connected to mega industrial projects and environmental risk (coal mining, pipelines, fog), water pollution and plastic waste, climate change denial, environmental legislation and environmental policy.
A double blind peer-reviewed journal, published twice a year by Università degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”'
Environmental Conflicts and Legal Disputes
Across Media Discourse
Vol. 22, n. 1 (2018)
Editors: Oriana Palusci and Jan Engberg
Oriana Palusci and Jan Engberg
Environmental Conflicts and Legal Disputes Across Media Discourse
Earth: Indigenous Environmental Justice
Katherine E. Russo
‘Stop Adani’: Mining Conflicts and Legal Discourse in Australian Media Discourse
Maria Cristina Nisco
Environmental Racism in Canadian News Discourse: The Case of Grassy Narrows
Anna Mongibello
Land Rights and Water Protection in Mediatized Indigenous Legal Discourse
Water and Plastic Narratives
Bronwen Hughes
Being Sold down the River: An Investigation of Conflicting Environmental Narratives in Present-Day Southeast Europe
Antonella Napolitano
Bag for Good? A CDA of News Media and Popular Discourse on Lightweight Plastic Bags Ban in Australia
Legislation and Environmental Policy
Maria Cristina Aiezza
“Sign and Make Your Mark on the World a Positive One”: A Discourse and Genre Analysis of UK Online Petitions to Reduce Single-Use Plastics
Antonio Fruttaldo
In the ‘Mist’ of an Amplification Spiral: The Case of the ‘Great Smog of London’
Margherita Rasulo
Debunking Climate Change Denial: The Case of DeSmogBlog Project and Its Crusade against Climate Misinformation Campaigns
Federico Pio Gentile
The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act: Legal Implicatures and Media Interference
Popularizing Environmental Disputes
Stefania D’Avanzo
Popularizing while Implementing EU Legislation on Environmental Issues
Sole Alba Zollo
Human Rights Discourse and the Environment: Empowering Young Generations through Old and New Media
Giuliana Regnoli
A Review of Katherine E. Russo, The Evaluation of Risk in Institutional and Newspaper Discourse, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2018
Carla Francellini
A Review of Peter Carravetta, After Identity. Migration, Critique, Italian American Culture, New York: Bordighera Press, 2017
Notes on Contributors