This special issue focuses on the linguistic and discursive aspects of the dissemination of knowledge about sensitive and hitherto unforeseen bioethical issues, an area at the intersection between scientific discourse (e.g. medicine, biotechnology, genetics, environmental sciences) and other forms of specialised and professional legal, economic, political, religious discourse.
The issue investigates the literary, linguistic and discursive strategies that are employed in ‘translating’ and framing specialised bioethical notions, terms and debates within literary, journalistic, online, promotional, corporate and legal texts and media coverage. Such terms and debates involve complex fields and contested issues in which people fear that the application of new scientific experiments and findings could impinge on human rights and the dignity of - and responsibility for - birth, illness, performance, privacy, personhood and death, as well as the integrity and well-being of the environment.
Representing, Disseminating, and Debating
Controversial Bioethical Issues in Literature and Popularised Discourse
Vol. 23, n. 1 (2019)
Editors: Giuseppe De Riso, Roxanne Barbara Doerr and Giuliana Garzone
A double blind peer-reviewed journal, published twice a year by Università degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”'
![]() Genetically modified tomato |
![]() DNA puzzle |
![]() Traces |
![]() Connecting orb |
![]() Clinical assistance |
Giuseppe De Riso
Ethical Responsibility in Midnight’s Children:
Clinical Storytelling as a Form of Biological and Cultural Survival
Bioethics as a research perspective
Beyond limits: ethical dilemmas
Giuliana Garzone
Exploring the Complexities of Bioethical Discourse: Primate Cloning in the Press
Jekaterina Nikitina
Representing Gene-Editing in Newspapers:
Between Science Dissemination and Fantasy
Kim Grego
Marketing Life after Death:
Cryopreservation in the Hope of Resuscitation
Bioethics and health issues
Annalisa Zanola
‘Informed Consent’ (IC) in Health Literacy (HL):
State-of-the-art of an Elaborate Legal-lay Communication Process
Francesca Santulli
The Concepts of Norm and Disease from Scientific to Popularization Discourse
Giorgia Riboni
Representation of Knowledge about Opioid Addiction between Criminalization and Medicalization
Dermot Heaney
Taking a Stance on Doping: Online Press Evaluation of a Parliamentary Select Committee’s Investigations into Doping in British Cycling
Bioethics, health and the market
Walter Giordano
Ethics and Accessibility to Knowledge in Prescription Drug Commercials in the USA
Cinzia Giglioni
Ethics, Pricing, and the Pharmaceutical Industry: Corporate Communication Faces Drug-Cost Issues
Bioethics and the environment
Emanuele Brambilla
Knowledge Dissemination and Cultural Specificity in Greenpeace’s Canned Tuna Guides
Paola Catenaccio
Ethics and Legitimacy in the Discourse of Agri-biotechnology: A Study in Argumentation
Roxanne Barbara Doerr
Dual Loyalties and Shifting (Bio)ethical Principles:
An Analysis of the Defense Health Board’s Ethical Guidelines and Practices
Karen Dwyer
Discourse Analysis for Exploring Bioethics in Biomedical and Medical Sciences Education
Bioethics guidelines and instruction
Maddalena Carfora
A Review of Giuseppe De Riso, Affect and the Performative Dimension of Fear in the Indian English Novel: Tumults of the Imagination
Michael Orefice
A Review of Roxanne Barbara Doerr, Communicating Professions via Blog: An Applied Linguistics Approach