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Music and the Performance of Identity
Vol. 13, n. 2 (2009)
Editor: Serena Guarracino and Marina Vitale
Table of Contents
A double blind peer-reviewed journal, published twice a year by Università degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”'
Raffaella Bianchi and Bezen Balamir Coskun
Opera across Borders: the Construction of Italian and Turkish National Identities
Manuela Coppola
“Soun de Abeng fi Nanny”: Music and Resistance in Contemporary Caribbean Women’s Poetry
Renata Summo-O’Connell
Jon Stratton, Australian Rock. Essays on Popular Music (Perth, WA: API Network Books, 2007)
Elena Intorcia
Brenda Jo Brueggemann, Deaf Subjects. Between Identities and Places (London and New York: New York University Press, 2009)
Books Received
Books Received

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