Re-imagining Africa:
Outside Africanism / Creative Crossings
Vol. 15, n. 1 (2011)
Editors: Simon Gikandi and Jane Wilkinson
A double blind peer-reviewed journal, published twice a year by Università degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”'
Simon Gikandi and Jane Wilkinson
Re-imagining Africa:
Outside Africanism / Creative Crossings – An Introduction
Agustín Reyes-Torres
Investigating the New South Africa: An Interview with Deon Meyer on Dead Before Dying
Manuela Coppola
Kwame Dawes, ed., Red: Contemporary Black British Poetry (Leeds: Peepal Tree Press 2010)
Marie-Hélène Laforest
Nell Irvin Painter, The History of White People (New York, London: W.W. Norton & Company, 2010)
Jane Wilkinson
The Spirit Machine and other new short stories from Cameroon, ed. by Emma Dawson (Nottingham: Critical Cultural and Communications Press, 2009)
Daughters of Eve and other new short stories from Nigeria, ed. by Emma Dawson (Nottingham: Critical Cultural and Communications Press, 2010)
Butterfly Dreams and other new short stories from Uganda, ed. by Emma Dawson (Nottingham: Critical Cultural and Communications Press, 2010)
Man of the House and other new short stories from Kenya, ed. by Emma Dawson (Nottingham: Critical Cultural and Communications Press, 2011)
Books Received