Shakespeare in the Media.
Old and New
Vol. 15, n. 2 (2011)
Editors: Anna Maria Cimitile and Katherine Rowe
A double blind peer-reviewed journal, published twice a year by Università degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”'
Anna Maria Cimitile and Katherine Rowe
Introduction Shakespeare: Overlapping Mediascapes in the Mind
Sarah Sheplock
“Contending with fretful elements”: Shakespeare, Kurosawa and the Benshi. On Film Adaptation
Alessandra Marino
Multicultural Shakespeare: Italian and British TV series of the 9-11 pm slot. Brand Shakespeare and TV adaptations
Maurizio Calbi
Postcolonial Entanglements: Performing Shakespeare and Kathakali in Ashish Avikunthak’s Dancing Othello
Li Lan Yong
Of Spirits and Sundry Other Phenomena in Intercultural Shakespeare: Text and Performance
Bianca Del Villano
Shakespeare’s Rome: A Space of Interrogation. Maria Del Sapio Garbero, ed., Identity, Otherness and Empire in Shakespeare’s Rome; Maria Del Sapio Garbero, Nancy Isenberg and Maddalena Pennacchia, eds., Questioning Bodies in Shakespeare’s Rome
Enrica Picarelli
Gabrielle A. Hezekiah, Phenomenology’s Material Presence: Video, Vision and Experience
Santa Russo
Shakespeare at the Napoli Teatro Festival Italia 2011. The Tempest and Richard III
Books Received
Anna Maria Cimitile
Cinema Is a Video Clip on the Internet. Liz Tabish, A Cinematic Translation of Shakespearean Tragedies