This issue of Anglistica AION investigates the theatre’s potential to mediate the relationship between human beings and space through analyses of thought-provoking performances which move beyond the limits of the conventional stage in order to elicit the audience’s responses and interactions with the surrounding world. In exploring the forms of theatre involving urban or natural spaces, abandoned or reshaped contexts, or guided paths through unusual delimitations of the performative space, we also take into consideration the recent literary and theoretical debates on the representations of space and place, geopoetical and geocritical approaches as well as the ecocriticism, since they all interweave spatial issues with phenomenological implications and political outcomes in the broadest sense. Those approaches – usually applied to the history of ideas, cultural traditions and narrative and poetical discourses – are potentially fruitful for an analysis of contemporary theatre, one of the most suitable arts where different ways to experience, inhabit, narrate and counter-narrate spaces are formulated and performed.
Stage and Beyond.
Space and Place in Contemporary Theatre
Vol. 20, n. 2 (2016)
Editors: Carmen Gallo and Clément Lévy
A double blind peer-reviewed journal, published twice a year by Università degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”'
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Carmen Gallo
“What can be the rule of this disorder?” Disorienting Spaces and Places in Contemporary Theatre
Maria Elena Capitani
Appropriating Macbeth in the Contact Zone.
The Politics of Place, Space, and Liminality in David Greig’s Dunsinane
Carmen Gallo
All the World’s a Beach. Staging Global Crises in Anders Lustgarten’s Lampedusa (2015)
Serena Guarracino
‘Elsewhere’ is here. The Politics of Space in Caryl Churchill’s Seven Jewish Children
Andrea Peghinelli
Agency, Staging and Representation Strategies in Sulayman Al Bassam’s The Speaker’s Progress
Fabiola Camuti
Theatre as a Shared Space of Exhaustion.
Staging Contemporary Tragedies in Jan Fabre’s 24-hour Performance
Pamela Bianchi
The Theatricality of Exhibition Spaces.
Fluid Spectatorship into Hybrid Places
Vincenzo Del Gaudio
Remediated Spatiality.
Performative and Medial Spaces in the Work of Imitating the Dog
Salvatore Margiotta
A Strategy for a Different Stage Writing.
Carlo Quartucci and Jannis Kounellis’ Work in the ’60s
Gabriella Riccio
The Body and the Scene. Territories of the Aesthetic-cognitive Experience in the Artistic Practice of Dance
Lisa Marchi
Brian T. Edwards, After the American Century: The Ends of U. S. Culture in the Middle East (New York: Columbia U. P., 2017)
Notes on Contributors
Sabrina Vellucci
Samuele F. S. Pardini, In the Name of the Mother: Italian Americans, African Americans, and Modernity from Booker T. Washington to Bruce Springsteen (Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College Press, 2017)