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The aim of this volume is to investigate how the aesthetics of the medium understood as the specific features of various types of texts (literary/cultural/scientific texts, TV series, political speeches) influence the pragmatic analysis of meaning in context. Context has been so far analysed basically according to two perspectives: a) as given and presumptive, prior to pragmatic actions, in line with the Anglo-American approach inspired by Austin and Grice; and b) as constructed through pragmatic actions, according to what may be defined as the sociological turn, more frequently characterizing European ‘continental’ studies.

   In this issue of Anglistica AION, we gather new and different insights to context, starting from considering the increasing importance of pragmatic theories, stylistics and statistical studies in the analysis of literary texts, and the questions they pose: Can all texts be analysed pragmatically? Does the genre of a given text with its constraints and/or possibilities force the use of a specific pragmatic theory for its (contextual) analysis? How does the text’s aesthetics influence the pragmatic analysis and the results the analyst is left with? Should the temporal-historical aspect be taken into account when choosing a pragmatic theory in the analysis of texts? Does aesthetics play a role in pragmatically defining what is created and what is given in relation to utterance and context?

Pragmatics and the Aesthetics of Texts
Vol. 21, n. 1 (2017)
Editors: Bianca Del Villano and Urszula Kizelbach
Table of Contents
A double blind peer-reviewed journal, published twice a year by Università degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”'

Table of Contents

Pragmatics and the Aesthetics of Genres and Visual Arts

Bianca Del Villano and Urszula Kizelbach


Pragmatics and the Aesthetics of Texts

Maria Grazia Guido

A Possible-Worlds Approach to the Pragmatic Analysis of Metaphysical Imaging across Genres and Art Forms

Pragmatics and the Aesthetics of Special Purpose Languages

Annarita Taronna

Aesthetic conventions and pragmalinguistic devices in computer-mediated communication. Q&A websites as a case study

Esterino Adami

Pragmatics and the Aesthetics of Food Discourse

Pragmatics and Fiction

Janet Giltrow

Relevance Theory for fiction

Michael Ingham

“In a Double Sense”: Syntactic Ambiguity and the Pragmatics of Equivocation in Shakespearean Dramatic Dialogue

Sabrina Francesconi

“Blue-black caves of shade”. The Language of Colour in Juliet’s Trilogy by Munro

John Douthwaite

Natural Complexity.

From Language to Text to Tradition


Fausto Ciompi

Savina Stevanato, “The Music of Poetry”?: T.S. Eliot and the Case of Four Quartets, Pisa, ETS, 2018, € 16,00, pp. 180

Notes on Contributors

Notes on Contributors

Notes on Contributors
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